Weather & Waterproofing

Belzona solutions for protecting buildings and structures from the environment.

Belzona Products / Weather & Waterproofing

Product List

Belzona 3111

A single-component, liquid-applied roof waterproofing membrane for long-term roof protection.

Belzona 3121

A 2-part, liquid-applied emergency roof repair material providing instant waterproofing of leaking roof areas.

Belzona 3131

A liquid-applied roof waterproofing membrane for long-term protection and waterproofing of roofs which can be applied during

Belzona 3211

A single-component, seamless and flexible coating for encapsulation of all types of thermal insulation and cladding systems.

Belzona 3412

Flexible and peelable coating, used for encapsulating flanges and bolt fastenings to protect against moisture ingress and

Belzona 5122

A water-repellent, wall waterproofing breathable treatment designed to protect masonry surfaces from water penetration.

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