Wall Waterproofing

Wall waterproofing is easy with Belzona products which create a barrier protecting stonework from moisture and natural elements.

Wall Waterproofing

Wall waterproofing is easy with Belzona products which create a barrier protecting stonework from moisture and natural elements.

Deteriorated or damaged exterior masonry, which is suffering from water ingress, can be protected using wall waterproofing treatment such as Belzona 5122 (Clear Cladding Concentrate). This long-term waterproofing material protects concrete, brick, and stone walls from moisture ingress while allowing trapped moisture to escape, without altering the appearance of the building. Versatile cold-curing coatings combine weatherproofing with self-cleaning properties and a reduction in dirt retention.

  • Long-term protection of statues and monuments from the damage caused by water ingress
  • Waterproof treatment for protection of brickwork, stone, and concrete structures
  • Reconstructed stone protection
Heat Exchanger

Heat Exchanger

Belzona provides a variety of solvent-free HEX repair systems. Repair areas include tube sheets, water boxes, flange faces, division bars, and end covers



Belzona offers pump repair coatings for the repair and protection of the systems from corrosion and erosion while increasing efficiency.

Questions & Answers

The time it takes for a water repellent treatment to cure depends on the product while also being dependent on other factors such as temperature, humidity, and the porosity and moisture content of the substrate. Please refer to the documentation of the product you are using for more information. For example, <a href=”/products/belzona-5122/”>Belzona 5122</a> (Clear Cladding Concentrate) dries within 2 hours, although it takes up to 24 hours to achieve optimum performance.

The application of water repellent for brick walls depends on the product. Generally, a stiff-bristled brush or the plastic applicator provided can be used to apply coatings. A Belzona product can be applied using a spray gun in some instances.

You can waterproof brick walls. There are benefits to it, such as deteriorated or damaged exterior walls suffering from water ingress being protected. Additionally, protecting concrete, brick, and stone walls from moisture ingress, while allowing trapped moisture to escape. Lastly, some waterproof coatings have self-cleaning properties.

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